The Scenario
You have worked hard on creating the perfect playlist in Spotify. An endeavor that took not days or weeks or even months, but years. Your kid comes along to play with your phone and accidentally deletes that playlist or instead of blaming the kid maybe it was you that did it. Maybe you forgot your credentials and can no longer recover your account. What do you do? Start from scratch? Nay. nay, thrice nay. Save yourself the headache in just a few short steps by simply doing an export and backup of Spotify playlists.
The How
This process is using Spotify’s web api. To export, follow this link to get started:
- Click ‘Get Started’
- Grant Exportify read-only access to your playlists
- Click the ‘Export’ button to export a playlist
- Save the .csv exported playlist somewhere safe
- If you click on export all it will save all of your playlists as a zip
To import the playlists into Spotify, you open the .csv playlist and in the first column you will find the track URI, something like this
spotify:track:7tumcRnhJ9v75E1SM55ZtX spotify:track:3lTz2FIBPO41MvQSAMBEWq spotify:track:32tBb05ev9rh4gLZstwG0r
You will want to copy these by high lighting each and right click, then click on copy or simply ctrl + c on your keyboard. Once copied, go to Spotify and create a new playlist and while that playlist is selected type ctrl + v keys on your keyboard. This will add them to that playlist, and you now have your playlist restored.
Final thoughts
Hopefully this is something you won’t ever have a problem with but it is always better to be safe. I can think of other times you might want to export your playlist as well. If nothing else just having a list of the song titles and artists is nice. Once in excel or other similar tool, you can edit/sort in many different ways. Export and backup of Spotify playlists is not a glorious or fun thing to do, but if you ever needed to restore you will be happy you did.
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