Tautulli set-up configuration (Part 11 of the All-in-One Media Docker Container Series)

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This guide will walk you through the Tautulli set-up configuration which is an application that well keep stats on your Plex Media Server. Like most watched, recently watched, plus much much more.

Let’s Begin

First you will need to open a browser and enter the local IP address and the Tautulli port for your Tautulli installation. For example, if the IP address for the device is you will enter If you are not sure of your local IP address, you can open a terminal and type in hostname -I and press enter. The first IP address in the list should be the one you need. For more information on how it works you can go to their website at https://tautulli.com/


At the welcome screen click on next and then you will set up a username and password for a local user account on Tautulli .

You will now sign in with your Plex account and on the next screen you will choose your Plex server from the drop-down menu, verify and click on next.

Click on Next again.

Read and click next to know about setting up notifications.

Finally click finish on the last screen and sign in. If you wish to set up notifications via email you will go to settings >> notifications and follow similar steps as you did in Ombi.

Final Thoughts

This was the shortest of the series as it just works in the background. I have really enjoyed putting the All-in-One Media Docker Container Series together. I hope this is helpful to others. If you follow this series and have any issues, please let me know and I’ll see if I can help.

Below are the links to each part of the All-in-One Media Docker Container.

All-in-One Media Docker Container Series

Find more on https://notposted.com

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Coolest hedgehog in town!

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